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Tri-Cities Infant Feeding Clinic

Location:B318-2099 Lougheed Hwy, Port Coquitlam, BC



Provider Languages Spoken

There is record of at least one provider speaking each of the following languages on site.

Provider Count

Approximately 1 healthcare provider with Canadian Medical Doctor licences appear to work from this site.

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Tri-Cities Infant Feeding Clinic has enabled online booking from Cortico
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i About this listing

This page is part of a directory of medical practices. Cortico invests in keeping this information as up-to-date as possible, and encourages practices to manage their listings.

The directory listing is used for:

  • Improving patient access to care
  • Helping patients find a link to the official practice website
  • Improving admin efficiency by allowing providers to find Fax numbers and related office info
  • Helping practices connect with local providers looking for jobs.