Digital Signatures

Verify and digitize documents securely with QR codes.

Secure, tamper-proof documents

Add a layer of trust and authenticity to your documents with digital signatures.

  • Forms are encoded and digitally signed into a unique QR code

  • The QR code is then embedded into the document’s white space

  • Recipients can scan the QR code to verify the signer, date, and digital information

Benefits for patients, providers, and staff

Digital signatures make document verification easy for everyone.

  • Prevent the tampering of sick notes, prescriptions, and lab requisitions

  • Track the document’s history, including the date it was signed

  • Ensure only those with the document can access the QR code, with measures to prevent online sharing

See how Cortico saves you time.

Book a 30-minute demo with our team to learn how Cortico can transform your medical practice.

Install Plugin
Install EMR plug-in Send messages & files in your EMR